Tuesday, April 26, 2011

youtube clip of me

All, here is a you tube clip of me and two other bodies of mine. Please view, share and spread the word to raise awareness of great foundations helping guys like me out. Thnaks!

There is a lot more I have to tell from the last few, great, busy, social weeks. But for now, this is a quick update...

Continue to spread the word of my blog, too, if you would please.
Thank you all and have a great week!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Finally an update

For all of you who have been following my blog, thank you!
On to the latest news for you all.
First the good stuff, I did indoor skydiving with Bianca in February, which was a lot of fun!
I tricked Bianca into doing it with me with the help of the instructor, hehe! We made her believe she needs to help them to get me in and out of the wind tunnel, which was a white lie...
In February overall I made good progress and I swear we all could taste me walking soon at least household distances.
We also went to San Antonio by the river walk for a mentor conference where we get a lot of info on how to assist other families with wounded or ill soldiers.a mistake I made was, to drink two beers, not enough sleep and taking of the following day. Whoops! I paid the price for that because in March I didn't do so hot. One would think after myGin and Juice experience, I would have learned a lesson but felt good and I figured two beers what the heck, but it hurt me again.
I didn't quite recover from the SA trip which impacted me not walking enough and therefore not enough progress, I guess it seemed like a down ward spiral again.
Now, I learned for good , I cannot do this to my self again. Also, emotions can and will effect a person especially when fighting a giant BUT just likeDavid and Golliathi mustn't be intimidated, you got to face the beast.
After the bit of decline, I also found out there are other findings of more bugs in my system, great....
Yesterday, I started my new anti parasitic, viral mess and hope I will be on an upswing soon.
To leave you on a good note, I am coming back, I will! I just have to accept that my body needs patience, activity but also rest. Surprise, surprise,....

Keep your prayers and good thoughts rolling for me, Thank You! More to follow.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Recent events

As of late, I was able to accomplish many tasks. 1)I was able to work on my core again, which is a lot of work! Especially if you haven't done much for it. 2) I walked some more with only two people holding my hand. 3) I "played" tug-o-war with another patient and friend in pt. He is bigger then me and granted he had to stand, I was seated but I won a few times, as well as my strength is certainly there, boy was I tired after though! This is to let you all know, I'm getting better, additionally this is hitting me now, but I really have a lot more ahead of me. Not having a pity party rather knowing it's not going to be easy. I will strive for improvement more and more no matter how long it takes.
For anyone experiencing things like this,never give up! Sometimes it may seem very difficult but carry on it will pay off in the end.
Meanwhile I will be attached to the Warrior Transition Unit (WTU), this means I will be able to see different docs and my civilian docs, a whole new medical team, it's a lot to take in but we are doing everything step by step and I will benefit from it in the long run. According to my parents, I take baby steps, not always easy but the best way to get "there".
For all those who have my back, please keep supporting my efforts you are vital for me and my recovery.
And last but least, GO PACKERS! Looking forward to a good game and good halftime stuff - enjoy your superbowl Sunday.
More next week everyone and God speed!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Recent events

For the last few days I have spent much time working on my physical therapy. Now, one thing I can ensure all of you don't have an uncommon alcoholic beverage the night before an actual pt session! I made that choice on Sunday which turned out to be a mistake and I paid for it! Needless to say, i didn't do so well on Monday. Long story short, not a good call on my aprt, lesson learned!
Yet another thing to remember for the next time to not be in  my own way. However, i did walk half a lap which was not too cool considering my previouse walking BUT I also didn't have a drink the night before...
Anyway, I was able to to work a lot on my core activation and stability, and wow, that isn't as easy as it sounds. Of course it is vital to increase my endurance and get to recovery.
Today during my speech therapy, my speech pathologist told me I was loud and clear with good air support which is awesome! My speech doc is always kind and supportive, her team changes out frequently but they are always great people and all of them have helped me speak better. The doctor is happy to see me progress NOT regress as some other neuro doc suggests.
The neurologist still pitches MS on me due to my mri scan though he doesn't even consider all of my history nor improvements. The speech pathologist sees the difference and cannot quite understand why "they" ould still go with plain book answers....Obviously opinions vary greatly even within the same facility.
It is troubling some times, however, I am improving (snail pace maybe) and I know it - PERIOD! Even s I put this blog together I feel I have made good strides of improvement by being more organizd in my though processing.
I kknow I have much longer to go but I will continue on  and not let anyone tell me I can't!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A new day

At my last pt session, I was able to complete 4 laps walking with minimal support of Becky, in other words I completed about 600 ft and most of the work being done by me and me alone! This means I AM Getting better no matter what the naysayers say.
This was Monday, today I did one lap and after I was of to build my endurance on different machines.
Last week I had a couple of days when I was pretty down. I focused too much on fear and doubts which equals failure. In either case that is not what I want. I seek to improve every day. However, sometimes it is difficult to be positive all the time which brings me back to where I once had started, down the rabbit hole.... A place where I never want to be again!
Keep positive thoughts, prayers, and post coming. It really helps me to keep going!
A personal favor, I would very much appreciate for all my blog friends to spread the word about this blog to make it grow. Strength in numbers! So, please help me with this goal, because there are more Darrens out there who may find support and understanding through this blog. Thanks everyone and be well!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

You tell me...

So our 2nd snow/ice day passed and I hated to be couped up. Especially today, since the roads were all ice! But it got me thinking (even too much of that today) what would you like me to talk about other then my updates? Anything you want to hear more about? I for one would like to read some other vets/soldiers stories. But too about what goes on in everyone's lives. It wuld be nice to see this blog become a give and take kinda thing... Thoughts?

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Hey everyone!
Today just a quick update on things I did. Yesterday i walked again with Becky on just one arm to support me. I did well. It is exciting to be able to do this biggest challenge now, work on making walking safer but endurance will be an even bigger task for me!
This afternoon I went to our nearby gym to work my legs on the leg press, working to get all my neurons fired again, not done in one push but when one stopped doing things or couldn't do somethings anymore it's all the more reason to get going at it! either way I did well again with my activities all week long, very encouraging!
this will be a short one today but as usual more to follow as I continue to improve and push on! Stay tuned, ...